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19th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas

4-8 April 2016, Paris


Monday Lectures

The registered PhD students, postdocs and more generally young participants are encouraged to attend a series of six lectures on Monday, April 4th. These lectures will be given by world-leading scholars in the field of atomic processes in plasmas, who will also attend the conference:

A. Calisti, PIIM, Aix-Marseille Université, France
      Spectral lineshape modeling state of art
H. K. Chung, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
     Population Kinetics Modeling for Plasma Spectroscopic Analysis 
J. Kaastra, SRON, Utrecht, Netherlands
     Astrophysical X-ray spectra
Yu. Ralchenko, NIST, Gaithersburg,USA
     Spectral Lines in Plasmas
D. Reiter, Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Jülich, Germany
     Can we nurse the fire ? The physics of magnetic fusion
 F. Rosmej, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
     An introduction to the interaction of X-ray free electron laser radiation with matter
Two computer lab training sessions will allow participants to be introduced to the use of some major numerical codes, widely used in the APiP community. More details on schedule will be posted soon.

The lectures and the computer labs will be held in Pierre et Marie Curie University (Subway station: Jussieu), near the Conference venue.  



The participants who wish to attend these lectures are requested to send a short message with the following informations:


"Only lectures" or "Lectures+computer labs"




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