The APiP meetings started in 1977 as one of the American Physical Society (APS) Topical Conferences. Since 2007 the APiP conferences have been referred to as "International", so as to better reflect the true nature of the meetings. More information on the history of the APiP conference series is available from the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory webpages.
This is the second time that the APiP conference will be held outside the U.S. It will take place in Paris, on 04-08 April 2016, and it will be hosted by the congress center Les Cordeliers, in the heart of the Quartier Latin district.
The format of the 19th conference slightly differs from the previous ones: on the first day (April 4th), experts in several domains covered by the APiP topics (see below) will provide lectures to registered PhD students and young researchers. The lectures will be followed by computer lab training.
The APiP conference focuses on atomic processes that are involved in the study of various plasmas over a wide range of densities and temperatures (eV to a few keVs). The theoretical and experimental works presented at the APiP meeting are expected to contribute to new developments and applications in the topics below.
- Low Temperature Plasmas
- High Energy Density Plasmas
- Warm Dense Matter
- Astrophysical/Atmospheric Plasmas
- Magnetized Plasmas
- Atomic Data and Processes
- X-Ray Sources
- Other
The APiP 2016 scientific program consists of invited talks, oral contributions and posters.